Freehead Skate
Freehead Skate

Freehead Skate

Welcome to the thrilling arcade Freehead Skate, This action-packed game is developed and published by Here in the game, you take control of a character who can separate their head to skateboard through various kinds of challenges. You can use the A key to have your character's body make outstanding jumps over challenges on the surface. You may separate your head from each challenge by pressing the key S, and your head to jump into the air.

How to Play?

Play Freehead skate games with your dark avatar. You'll face many kinds of amazing challenges and complete every challenge. You will receive a skateboard here, and you can use it to run around the floor, jump off objects, and throw your movable head into the air. Power up to you can boost your high score.


  • Free to play
  • Improve jumps
  • Quick decision to win
  • Run with movable head
  • Controls:

  • Press A to jump, Press S to jump of head,
  • Press the Left side screen to jump, Press the Right side screen to jump of head